Wednesday, May 02, 2007

...So VETOed; What can you do about it?

My man, Dub-ya did say yesterday that he didn't think the bill before him made much sense. While I applaud his resilience and duck-taped stubborness on anything concerning Iraq, I also realise he is the ultimate deciding power in this country. Should Bush have waited for more intelligence before dragging us into Iraq? Sure. Should he have gathered support and tried his hand at diplomacy first? YEAH! Should he have had a consistent plan and a strategy for withdrawal after success? Sure. Are our friends, relatives and loved ones dying in the war? Damn Right! So why is he so stubborn and in utter denial of the reality of the war...

The reason is simple: You voted for him ... twice! Now take that. Actually, I take that back. You voted for him once because of Florida.

Many people would gladly say this man, Dub-ya, is going to go down in history as the worst president ever in the history of the US. True, but he may also become a heroic influence for rogue leadership as he has set an untellable presidence, that I am sure others would gladly emulate.

The Senate understood that their bill would do very little to shake Bush of his stance, but they nonetheless went ahead and put it through. At least they did something right for once. Remember before the war, they all voted to send our man, Dub-ya to war with a blank check? Then come time for elections, they all came out swinging at Dub-ya saying the war wasn't going right, the war could have and should have been avoided, etc. You voted them back in, and they are now back to big ole buddy-system voting for bills. Politics is an institution of fanatics even greater than religious extremism, I must point out here. These old goons have the powers to make decisions but when they get to the Hill, their resolve is to do what their next buddy is doing, and pass irrasive bills.

Let's see what these people at the Hill and our man, Dub-ya at the Maison Blanche or La Casa Blanca or das weiße Haus have done to our beloved country:

1. Gas is $3.00 a gallon when before our man stepped into the White House, gas was $1.09. The economy could have suffered no worse fate.
2. I cannot have a normal phone conversation because I know they are listening.

3. The-US-dollar-to-UK-pound conversion rate was 0.96 in 2000(the dollar was almost the same value as a pound, now, it is 0.49 (dropped to almost half the value of a pound)This tells you the value of the US dollar outside of its boundaries.
4. The justice system has been made fun of in so many ways. Some of which are:
a)THEY Fired Atty Generals because of their failure to acknowledge republican power and lied that their performance left lots to be desired. When the inquest by House Committee started, they tell everyone that Karl Rove's emails went missing. Email records from 2001 to 2006 from his computer and also from the servers. How convenient!
b)THEY Leaked the identity of Valerie Plame. As if firing her husband was not enough, they went ahead and told reporters that his wife was a CIA operative.
c)THEY Drowned people in New Orleans. I don't need to elaborate this point any further...actually I have one for this point. THEN THEY Had their mother call people in the astrodome, refugees "living in better conditions [in the astrodome,] than they are used to in their regular daily lives." ...Oh and gave THEIR friend, FEMA director, a new job after his "commendable and excellent handling of the Katrina disaster".
d)THEY Lied to Congress about his rationale for war. Do I really need to elucidate here?
e)THEY Disgraced a decorated war hero, Colin Powell, by reducing him to a lying-cheating-coniving head hunter for an administration riddled with indignant affinity for revenge on Saddam and strip his country of its oil.
f)THEY Massacred the queen's language on numerous occasions,etc
5. The list continues... (don't want us to spend the day on this, but please feel free to add to the list)

Why are you surprised about Iraq?

From its inception, the War to Free Iraq was doomed to go sour. The administration was never forthcoming with their motive for war and time went on and international opposition mounted, they continued to make up reasons. Saddam has WMDs
(which have not been found till date); Saddam hosts Al-Qaeda terrorists (which is a blatant lie); Saddam is a dictator and is killing his poeple (I will get back to this later); Saddam bought uranium from Niger, Africa, to build WMDs (Ginomous lie-Ambassador Wilson proved it); the reasons went on as the war progressed. I wonder how they could have passed up the fact that Saddam cheated on his wife too.

The administration lied from day one and they still continue to throw (for lack of a better term) shit in the faces of the American people and actually smear it all over. It is ridiculous that in this land of freedom, the administration would hijack personal liberties, amongst other things and blatantly violate the constitution by infringing on the rights of its people and actually act as though to say: "what would you do about it?"

Although the motives for war were shady and the conduct of said war has been far less inspiring, Dub-ya is the ultimate executive power in this country and decided whether or not we go to war, and also decides how much can be spent at the war, and how it should be run. It is what the constitution says so the Senate was sort of fighting a battle that was out of their arena when they cut a spending bill and sent one to Bush saying that troops should start leaving Iraq by July 1st, 2007. The war was waged by the President, and until the President says it's enough, our troops are going to be in Iraq . All we can do is organize rally after rally after rally and hope that he understands that we hate the idea of war.

I know you don't want to hear this from someone who has been Dub-ya's nultimate fan from his days at Stanford, but the constitution says so and I am a sucker for history and the law, so constitution hurray! The only thing though is that the other articles of the constitution preventing wire- tapping without warrants, bank account tracking without warrants, etc have been swept under the rug. It is lamentable that the cherry-picking never ends. HURRAY CONSTITUTION!

Saddam's dicatorship and effects of imperialism from the West

The situation in Iraq now is worse off than it was years ago, when Saddam was their leader. Minus the fact that they are at war, the country is now in a civil war that pits tribes against each other. The Sunnis and Shiites hated each other and now, it is only more prevalent as violence keeps escalating. This is what Saddam knew and sought to put to rest. No wonder he was so draconian with his rules and would crack down at the sign of any uprising.

The US, just like colonial powers in the mid 1800s to late 1900s, failed to realise that instituations that work for one society will not work for another society. Islam and it's people have a democracy of their kind and although this doesn't necessarily work for the West in general and the US in particular, did not necessitate a strike and war as has been the case in the past 4 years. Moslems through Islam are keen to allowing themselves be ruled by someone they believe is doing all in their interests just as Allah commanded. They retire their freewill to the common good of their religion, which is evermore present in their government.

In the US and much of the West, on the contrary, our democracy obliges us to each exercise individual freewill and choice. We have a say in everything that we want done and the affairs of state are distant to religion because we each have a freewill to either believe or not believe in God or not.

The picture is that of two contrasting ends of the spectrum and for us to come out successful, we need to understand not only the culture behind their way of life, but also the fashions of their thoughts.

You march in with guns and bombers, they throw stones but still come out martyrs to their country men. They will go as far as blowing themselves up in crowds in order to put through their message.

I would close with an anecdote that my father once told me. A man was in his house watching TV when he noticed a mouse running around. He caught the mouse and took it outside and set it on fire. The mouse, on fire, ran back into the house and the structure was incenerated.

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